

Jij in hun wereld!

Third Culture Kids

What is a Third Culture Kid?

A Third Culture Kid (TCK) grows up or grew up during part of their youth abroad in a different culture. For instance, the child might grow up in a Dutch family but live with their family in another country with a different culture. The child encounters two or even multiple cultures, for example, if their parents come from different countries or if the child resides with their parents in different countries. Such a child forms their own ’third culture’, hence the name Third Culture Kid (TCK).

Just Moved back to the Netherlands? 

As a TCK, you gain valuable experiences abroad. You undergo many changes and are often resilient. You are flexible and easily establish social connections. However, there is also a downside. TCKs like you face a number of challenges. It is sometimes a search for you to figure out exactly who you are and where you truly belong, especially now that you are ‘back’ in your passport country. And finding a way to work through the grief of saying goodbye to people and places that you love can be a real challenge. 

Find it difficult to reintegrate?

At InToMission, we aim to support you during the three phases of transition: preparation, abroad, and returning. We offer services to help coach you through the changes in your surroundings and adaptation to new cultures and experiences. We aim to support you personally and coach you through your unique circumstances.

Are you a TCK between the ages of 18 and 26? Join us in France and connect with others who share the experience of growing up abroad! Everyone has a story to tell, and we are here to listen to yours!


Together with other missionary organizations, we organize an annual (online) meeting for families who are preparing to go abroad.

TCK Guidance

Support and guidance for families with their children.

Family Debriefing

Debriefing for your family at your home.