Communication is a challenge
We talk to eachother. We try to understand eachother. We try to listen to eachother. But sometimes we don’t understand eachother at all. For example, you don’t understand what the other person means. Or you don’t understand his or her reaction to your remark. That creates frustration. YOu get angry or very quiet. And now we’re only taking about the communication in uor own country, whose languages we speak well and understand the culture quite well. But what if you atart living and working in a completely different culture, in which communication is completely different? And don’t just think about other words and expressions, but also about differences in gestures and facial expressions. How complicated it that?
Know your communication style
It is important that you know your own communication style. Every person communicates in his or her own unique way. If you know that style, you can convert it into communicaiton power. In order to do that, a personal manual is actually indispensable. We have it for you in the form of the Life Languages™-profile.
How does Life Languages work?
Life languages™ is based on seven different languages that can be traced back to head (cognitive), heart (emotional) and hands (kinetic). Life languages™ has the following seven styles (languages):
1. Mover
2. Doer
3. Influencer
4. Responder
5. Shaper
6. Producer
7. Contemplator
Everyone speaks these languages, we only differ in our preferred languages.
How do you discover your (preferred) languages? We ask you to fill in a questionnaire, which makes your preferences visible. In the following conversation you will discover and recognise the languages that you naturally use the most and those that you have more difficulty with. You get to know your own way of communication well and you discover how you can improve communication with, for example, your partner, colleague or manager. A must for every missionary worker!